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Restore and Redefine Your Natural Features

SkinCeuticals SkinLab Scottsdale by Maffi Plastic Surgery provides advanced injectable treatments in Scottsdale, AZ. Our injectable services are expertly performed by our trained master injectors and will leave you feeling radiant and refreshed. We provide a variety of treatments including Botox® Cosmetic, Juvederm® dermal fillers for contouring the chin and jawline, and Volbella® for lip augmentation. Schedule a consultation with our experienced team to discover which of our injectable treatments is right for you.

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At SkinCeuticals SkinLab Scottsdale by Maffi Plastic Surgery, our master injectors administer top neurotoxins, such as Botox® Cosmetic, and Dysport® to treat fine lines and wrinkles in our Scottsdale medical spa. Botox® and Dysport® neurotoxin treatments are the most common aesthetic injection treatments performed on women and men. A simple treatment that will help you maintain your natural youthfulness by smoothing lines and wrinkles of the face. Neurotoxin injections relax the muscle, reducing the movement of that muscle. Wrinkles, lines or folds that form with these muscles are minimized or go away completely. The treatment will smooth forehead lines, frown lines and crows feet leading to a softer, more youthful expressions. In addition to targeting wrinkles, neurotoxins are also effective treatments for migraines, TMJ and excessive sweating as found in the underarm area.

woman getting botox treatment


At SkinCeuticals SkinLab Scottsdale, we utilize dermal fillers to enhance and restore facial structures. Facial fillers add volume and fullness back to the face and can help lift, shape and redefine features of the face, minimizing the signs of aging.  As we age, our bodies produce less collagen and hyaluronic acid. This causes our skin strength, elasticity and fat volume to decrease, changing the shape and appearance of the face. Loss of volume in the facial area can be seen in sagging skin, folds, lines or wrinkles. Our team of injectors administer top dermal filler products, such as Juvederm®, Restylane® and Sculptra® in our Scottsdale medical spa to help you achieve facial beauty and balance.

lip injection


If you want a safe and natural way to improve the shape and volume of your lips in Scottsdale, consider a visit to SkinCeuticals SkinLab Scottsdale. Our master injectors in Scottsdale, AZ utilize injectable lip fillers to contour, hydrate and shape the delicate lip area. In addition to offering plumper lips and improving the structure, utilizing lip fillers for lip augmentation which can minimize fine lines, add definition to the Cupid’s bow, and lift the corners of the mouth.  Juvederm® and Restylane® are optimal dermal fillers for smoother, fuller and more natural looking lips. Our skilled injection specialists will ensure a practical balance around the mouth and face to enhance your lips naturally.

aqua gold injectable


Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the treatment area under the chin to improve your neck and jaw definition.

PFP Injections  helps repair damaged skin cells while stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Injecting PFP into facial areas that are beginning to lose elasticity and volume can restore the skin to a smooth, healthy glow.

Aquagold fine touch uses thin micro-needles to allow ingredients to seep into the skin’s second layer, or dermis.  This results in a radiant glow while improving fine lines and wrinkles.

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What’s your goal? Fuller lips? Reduced wrinkles? Firmer skin? Whatever your skin goal, our team of Scottsdale injectable experts is here to assist. At SkinCeuticals SkinLab Scottsdale, by Maffi Plastic Surgery, we use the latest, innovative injectable procedures performed by certified clinicians. All of our injectable treatments are overseen by a board-certified plastic surgeon, ensuring the highest level of precision for our clients. Schedule your complimentary consultation today.

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